Home Centrum pro endokrinologii diabetes mellitus Astana

Centrum pro endokrinologii diabetes mellitus Astana

Mar 5, 2018 Type 2 diabetes mellitus: distribution of genetic markers in Kazakh population Astana, Kazakhstan Background: Ethnic differences exist in the with Northern and Western European ancestry from the Centre d'Etude.

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Characteristics of Social-Psychological Adaptation and Self-Regulation in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus. Nadezhda A. Tsvеtkova, Marina I. Aleksandrova, .

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Dec 12, 2015 Diabetes prevalence, awareness and treatment and their correlates in older persons in urban and rural population in the Astana region, .
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SCE “Research and Design Institute of the general plan of Astana.” Correction of growing level of soil salinity there was observed a decrease in pro- ductivity .
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Jan 26, 2017 It is operated by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Indexed in Arianta Polish scientific and professional electronic journals Aneta Drabek i Arkadiusz Pulikowski Peculiarities of ionoregulatory renal function disorder in case of diabetes mellitus. Problemy Endokrinologii, 29(3), 47-50.
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Yaroslav Tolstyak, MD, PhD, Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, JSC National Scientific Medical Research Center, Astana (Kazakhstan).
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Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is one of the 43 countries of the IDF EUR region. 425 million people have diabetes in the world and more than 58 million people in the .

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