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Diabetes video

If you have type 1 diabetes, your pancreas doesn t secrete insulin — which causes a buildup of glucose in your bloodstream. Without insulin, the glucose can t get into your cells. If you have type 2 diabetes, your pancreas secretes less insulin than your body requires because your body is resistant to its effect.Dec 17, 2015 Diabetes is when your body doesn't process sugar the right way. But what does that mean exactly.

Diabetal koupit v Oděse

Developed in partnership with The Wellness Channel, the Managing Your Diabetes video series introduces people with diabetes and their caregivers to the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors™. Available in both English and Spanish, they are being offered through The Wellness Channel s library of patient education programming for hospitals and health.Quinn N., 31 Baxter, MN Don t let diabetes shrink your borders. When I was diagnosed, I heard it would be tough to move to college, travel internationally.

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Type 2 diabetes happens in people whose pancreas DOES make insulin. But in a person with this type of diabetes, the insulin receptors on the cells surface become less sensitive. Since the receptors don t respond to the insulin anymore, sugar stays locked out of the cells and remains in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is usually seen in older people.Visit us ( for health and medicine content or ( for .
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The Best Diabetes Videos of the Year. WHO: Halt the Rise, Take the Steps Needed to Beat Diabetes! World Health Day 2016. This video from the WHO highlights the increasing rates of diabetes.DiabetesCare.net, in conjunction with Milner-Fenwick, Inc., is proud to present this extensive library of diabetes videos to help you better manage your diabetes. And be sure to mention these free-to-view educational videos to a family member or friend that you think would benefit from viewing.
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Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Khan Academy video. Created.What is Diabetes? Animated video covers basic issues such as glucose, insulin, the pancreas and warning signs of diabetes. Subscribe.

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