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Serpukhovův den diabetes geropharm

Sanofi has withdrawn its US application for its new diabetes drug, lixisenatide, stating that it wants to complete the cardiovascular safety study of the product before resubmitting.

Ovoce a zelenina, které zvyšují hladinu cukru v krvi

Since the advent of insulin therapy, the survival of mothers with diabetes and their offspring has greatly improved. Most of the complications associated with diabetic pregnancy, such as spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, macrosomia, intrauterine growth restriction, and respiratory distress syndrome, can be significantly reduced by tight glycemic control before and throughout pregnancy (1,2).

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Director of the Diabetes Institute, Deputy Research Director of the Federal State-Funded Institution “Endocrinology Research Center” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation M.V. Shestakova said that the GEROPHARM-Bio plant is the first full-cycle plant, i.e. the plant which produces its own substance.
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Where to Buy Please visit the retailers’ sites to see, purchase or find out more information on the GE100 Blood Glucose Monitoring System. Our products can be found at these pharmacies and other participating pharmacies.
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GEROPHARM is main expertise lies within CNS, ophthalmology and endocrinology. New products are now being developed in other areas as well. Research and Development.

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